109/981-982 moo13, BangPeeYai, BangPee, Samutprakran province 10540, Thailand Tel : 02-317-1778-9
Fax : 02-3171780 Ms. Porn Glom ( tel : 081-7910988 )

‘Siang Gong’ is well known for most of Thai people as the car part and second hand engine machine center

The name of ‘Siang Gong’ came from SIANG GONG GENG shrine which settle on the SONG WAD road next to JAREANKRUNG road. shrine was estimated since World War 2 by a numerous of which settle down around there. People call this place as‘Siang Gong’

Chinese ancestor who settle down near ‘SIANG GONG GENG’ shrine start to trade the car part and the second hand engines. Their principles are to be diligent, economical, creative, and using resources effectively.

They felt that throwing away non functional/’carcass cars’ is a very wasteful thing. So, they got the idea to purchase the carcass car and bring it to fix it or split it and sell its parts in the economic prices.

The part which cannot fix will be modify to be other usable things, such as : agricultural equipment,  pump, etc. Some part needs to melt to be a liquid metal and build up as usable products.

From a small group of shops who realize the worthiness of the carcass car become a prosperity business for the oversea Chinese around that area.  After the end of  world war2, because of  the auction of  the discharge vehicle of military alliance, ‘Siang Gong’ business grown up more and more and continue growing up.  After the Vietnam war, the demand for the car part and old vehicle still increase, because it is modifiable and the price is cheaper

After the Vietnam war, Thai economy expand rapidly, the demand for the used car part is over the supply capacity.

Hence, the company begins to import the used car part from Japan. These import used car part is one of the factor that is critical to the development of the country in many parts. For example : Public Bus , especially, tricycle or TUK-TUK, it is the well-known vehicle and become one of a tourism symbol of Thailand and we also make a benefit from export too. These type of vehicles are also develop from the combination of used car part.

 Modifying paddle boat to be motor boat by using the exported used- engine machine. The motor boat will enhance the transport productivity. The goods from orchard or farm are easier transport to the market in the city. This motor boat makes the trade more convenient and also supports the river tourism, and gain income to the nation.The used engine machine can modified to be a sand vacuum, electric dynamo, or pile machinery for effectively use in the construction.

Mining and fishery also use the instrument which modify from the secondhand engine machine and the imported used-engine machine. For example, mining instruments and the fishing boat.

E-Tan car, Harvest car, Wind turbine machine in the shrimp ponds, all of these machines have secondhand engine machine as a component part of it.

The old model of vehicle and old model of refrigerator are also cause air pollution.

However, the imported used-engine machine from ‘Siang Gong’ is the new model one, then it cause lees air pollution.
Anyway, the new model of used-engine machine from ‘Siang Gong’ also can adapt with those old model vehicle and cause less pollution.

The technical school students also learn from these imported used-engine machines. They learn about the development of engine machine and motor vehicle equipment. And students can come up with the innovation which modify from the used-engine machine.

From the above mentioned activities, the basis is to help the nation save the outlay and the effective of the country’s development. If we use the new machine equipments instead of the used one, it will cost a hundreds of times. Hence, the development of the nation will be sluggish as it required a lot of money to buy the new machine equipment.

From the benefits of  ‘Siang Gong’ spare part and the cheaper price, this business had been expand and prosperity.
The quality of the genuine Japan spare part which in a good performance (75-90 percent) can go along well with the developing countries. (eg., Thailand)

The number of enterprises who use this used-spare part is increase more and more, hence, ‘Siang Gong’ expanded to another branch at the ‘Wang Mai’ (Suan-Luang) which the place belong to Chulalongkorn University, this branch called ‘Siang Gong Suan Luang’. At the present ‘Siang Gong’ expanded more branches to suburb, for example : Siang Gong Rangsit, Siang Gong Rama3, and Siang Gong Bangna (Bangna, KM.12). Siang Gong Bangna is the most biggest Siang Gong in Asia on the total area of 84 Rai, shops in the project are more than 1,200 units.

Siang Gong will expand out indefinitely under the ideal of Thai people : economic, creativity, and cost-effective.

At the present, Siang Gong is managed by 2nd and 3rd generation and will continue to 4th and 5th and so on, as long as Thai people see our product benefits.

Indeed in Chinese word, ‘Siang’ mean god and ‘Gong’ mean uncle. The meaning have nothing to do with the auto part business.  However, Siang Gong is the name of place which origin the quality secondhand auto-part and will growth everlasting with Thai society.

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TEL. 02-317-1778-9